Saturday, January 25, 2014
Pt 7 Teaching Baby
It sucks having to go to the gym daily for showers, but when you can't afford a shower what else can you do. After picking flowers early in the morning we had 1,514 that is before the mail person dropped off the bills.
Tavis's job suggested that he learn martial arts if he want's to advance and since we need the extra money that would bring.
It was 325 we don't really have but with the birth of his first son, Tavis really wants this chance a better position. Since he bought the training dummy and worked on it all weekend, they said they liked his incentive and gave him a promotion to flight office, with this promotion it was suggested that he worked on his handiness skill. Which short of a the few appliances we have breaking down at the same time we had to buy a book case.
Along with some skill books for himself he bought me a book to help me advance in my job as well.
But after buying two chairs, a book case and a much needed shower....yea were broke again until I found some rocks on this spooky hill.
640 may not be much but is more than we had. I really should have started a garden, but with loosing both my parents so suddenly, then finding out I was married. I just didn't think about it and now the snow is here.
Maybe one day we can afford a green house. Ronin is growing up so fast. already walking
and fast on his way to being able to talk as well.
Seeing how big he is getting Tavis expressed his desire to have another child, he says he wants a big family. I would love that, but know that we can not afford a lot of babies, heck we don't even have a kitchen, much less enough rooms for all the kids he wants to have. It would take winning a big lotto for that. But in truth I would love to have another baby. I had always wished that I had, had a brother or a sister to play with growing up.
On the plus side with Tavis's promotion we don't have to worry about a sitter, and neither of us has to quit there job. As our work hrs insures that one of us is always home. Well this was the case until Tavis got another promotion, guess they were serious about giving him one for more knowledge in handiness. I also got a 5 simolian raise. Still a veggie slicer but now I make 258 a day. Since Ronin's Birthday was just around the corner... I wanted him to have his own room...every kid deserves privacy, and there own space.
And as the house expands it won't take much to change things around later....I wonder if we can connect the green house to the house...oh well I am sure I will think of something. I have dreams of this beautiful house, that I can only hope I will live to see.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Part 6 BABY
With only 1,566 to your name there is only so much you can do. WE have not even paid of the loan for the wedding, and now have a baby on the way, and have yet to buy anything for him or her. I decided not to buy into that story about apples and watermelons, but just to be safe have stayed well away from both fruits, and let nature take its course. After picking a lot of flowers we made enough to focus on the baby who's birth is now just days away, the only downside to so many days of work is no pay. I was out now due to the baby, they didn't want to risk me doing anything to harm myself or baby. Tavis was off for a honeymoon which we could not afford. I don't know what we are going to do when we have the baby and both of us has to work as we can't afford a babysitter, heck we can't afford a crib... A touch of home,
These guys used to be all over Isla Paradiso .
While I was at the gym it happened
I decided to go to the hospital, so the sims in the gym would no longer feel the need to panic. Geez glad it wasn't a fire or the gym would have burned down around them.
It was a boy we named him Ronin.
Someone must have heard of our troubles we recived a donation from the city hall for 3,500 (gift from another simmer just as she entered the hospital) That finished off part of the house and bought Ronin a crib leaving us with 155 Which won't cover a sitter. But Tavis goes back to work on the following day. Ronin also got this strange doll
He cries when ever we try to take it away. Tavis insists it is fine and that these dolls have been showing up following the birth of a baby for ages, but that it is always random, and that no one knows exactly where they actually come from. Tavis said he had one as a child, or so his father had told him. He said the doll went away when he stopped playing with it.
He does make a good father I will give him that much.
Part Five The Wedding
The Truck must have spooked Tavis because he moved up the date of our "just for show" wedding said the sooner people around town knew I was protected by his family the better. I still don't know what protection his name gives, I have heard now one speak of his family didn't even know of his family until he approached me with the wedding certificate.
What happened to make my parents leave me here and possably fake there deaths to go into hiding, are they really hiding or am I just a distraction for those who are chasing them.
So the wedding was rushed, Tavis and I were married. Again.
I am now Wynter Rayne.
We spent the next morning cleaning the yard. And like most weddings, even the ones that are just for show, we will be paying it off for quiet sometime. Unless we win the lotto.
I will admit that in the short time I have known him I have grown rather fond of Tavis...not sure yet if it is love. But in celebration of our wedding both of our jobs gave us a week off work, so I will have time to find out if my feelings could be something more, and if Tavis actually returns those feelings, or if he only married me for his family.
We went on several dates over that week and well one thing lead to another.
and well you know how it goes
I can only hope Tavis will be happy he never spoke of kids, and as I never got sick this was a total surprise.
He was over joyed, neither one of us care if it is a boy or a girl we just want a healthy baby. But since the wedding I have not seen the truck again.
To celebrate or to tell the town the good news Tavis wanted to go to the festival in the park.
Show off
Due to my condition they would not let me ride. But as I watch him I can't help but thing, maybe this marriage thing will work out.
Part 4 Stalking IceCream Truck
Why would my parents do this to me, and who gives there kid to a stranger in marriage anymore theses days anyway? Turns out dear old mom and dad got into some trouble in Isla Paradiso of the wrong end of the law variety. Tavis's Grandfather who somehow knew my dad, promised me protection incase anyone came after me, but that protection fell under the Rayne family name. Meaning I had to be a part of the Rayne family. Thus my marriage to Tavis, my parents also are not dead just in hiding, and I had less than two weeks before my wedding. That is really just for show, since according to town records I am already Ms Tavis Rayne (Wynter Rayne) well it dose have a ring to it...what am I saying I can't be married to a guy I just met.
Apparently this is only legal in Dragon Valley but is almost never done anymore, as in my marriage is the first in several generations. Tavis says even though legally we are married, he would still like to get to know me, as in date and such before the wedding. He is being awful nice about this, When I asked him how he felt about tis whole thing he just shrugged and said that he volunteered. I get the feeling that's not the whole story but apparently I have the rest of my life to find out.
So the next day we went on our first the town fair. Tavis was....nice.
we had fun. Even if the rest of the townies are still a bit strange.
see what I mean...
and how is this even possible?? The date was also a way to get me away from the lot so work could begin on the house..
It's a start and better than sleeping on the ground in a tent. Went on another date the following day, to the festival where I won the eating contest.
and then to the bistro. On the way to the Bistro we passed this bus.
Tavis didn't know who it belonged to. All in all we had fun. But with only 56 simoliens we are going to have to get creative if he wants to keep going on these dates...and why does this truck keep following me?
Monday, January 20, 2014
pt 3 The Suprises keep comming
Time fly's or so they keep saying, and before I knew it, it was my birthday.
The only down side was celebrating alone. Well that and having to find a job. I found one at the local dinner, when I got back this
was waiting on me. I spent the rest of the day talking to it.
But no one told me how fast these things hatch...
I named him Jasper
at least I think it's a him...not real sure how to tell. I then went to create a dating profile and read a cook book, because seriously a cook that doesn't even have a kitchen needs all the help they can get. Forget a kitchen I don't even have a front door, and with just 500 simolians to my name...well you get the idea. My first day at work couldn't come soon enough, having an actual roof over my head again would be nice. I had dreams of a big house with lots of kids...well at least three. But first I had to meet Mr. Right. Remember that surprise yea this was it,
and this.
Meet Tavis Rayne...I just did and according to him and the notarized note signed by my parents and the Mayor of Dragon Valley he is my husband.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Dragon Vally (part 2)
The weekend is here, and I would just like to go on record as saying that working out must be real big in this town.
But what else is there to do when you don't have a beach to go to. I also tried my hand at some fishing.
and even found a rock
The mystery sim strikes again
I created a blog just to thank them, hopefully they will see it.
I still think the gym needs more equipment.
I said something to the mayor, Apparently enough sims have had the same complaint. So a "few" more things were placed in the gym, well for the size of the gym it will have to do.
Another gift.
You have no idea how hard it is to do that in a dress.
But had to go to school, after school it was raining again, I am so thankful for that tent it rains everyday here or so it seems. Any way I found the local Elixir store and got permission to do my homework in front of the fire, as long as I was not in anyone's way.
The more I wonder around town the more beauty I find in it.
It's still no beach, but it does have its own...quint look.
I mean I never saw a deer in Paradiso
, but don't think deer spent all that much time on a beach either.
One thing I don't understand about this town, is why no one else rides the bus.
Is this typical
I think we even passes someone riding a broom, A BROOM.
I am beginning to think the sims in this town are more complex than the normal sims in Isla Paradiso, You hear talk around town. Such as with Fintan Mithrilen
(sorry ladies he's married) Anyway his family used to be the leaders of the town, until the O'Connels moved in and the town's loyalties shifted. The O'Connels great, great grandfather is credited with taming the small dragons that used to terrorize the town. Which may explain why I have yet to see a single dragon, in a town called Dragon Valley. But the bigger mystery for me at present is who keep leaving me gifts,
And Why.
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